Saturday, February 29, 2020
A Life Almost Lost
As I approached the tower for my first day as an Ocean Rescue lifeguard I thought I knew it all. Fresh out of recruit training and graduating in the top of my recruit class, I had the vision that I was invincible as a lifeguard. I climbed the freshly painted wooden tower, unpacked my gear, and settled into the somewhat uncomfortable plywood seat that I would be sitting on for the next eight hours. At first the water was relatively empty, with the occasional family or two entering to wade around. But by noon, the beach had started to become progressively busier, with well over one hundred bathers within the quarter mile of beach I was responsible for. It was at this exact moment that the confidence I had held earlier that same morning fell right through the cracks, and all the training I had persevered through in the previous weeks became completely useless. It started out with a single bather to my north that appeared to be out past the point where they could touch, but were still comfortable and not in any need of my help. I figured I would just keep a close eye on them through my binoculars. About fifteen minutes later two more bathers swam out past the point of touching, one straight out in front of me and one to my south. By this point I was apprehensive and unsure of what to do. I looked at the bather to my north through my binoculars, and got what is known as tunnel vision. I became so fixated on watching this one individual and making sure that he was all right that I completely disregarded the other bathers. Seconds later, the dispatcher came on the radio frantically telling me to go on a rescue for the bather to my south. Caught up in the situation, I lost my sense of location, could not find where the bather was, and ended up missing the rescue. Fortunately the person made it back to shore, but this was a mistake that could h ave cost a life. Looking back on my first day as a lifeguard, the mistake I made by missing a rescue is one of the greatest regrets of my life. But at the same time, being able to overcome this obstacle and return to the tower the next day has given me a great sense of confidence. I have learned that with hard work and the right attitude, it is possible to work through and overcome the most difficult of situations in life. Now as a senior in high school, earning a low grade on a quiz or losing one varsity tennis match does not bring me down, because I know that these things are small bumps in an unimaginably long and exciting road.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Distinguish between price elasticity of demand, cross elasticity of Essay
Distinguish between price elasticity of demand, cross elasticity of demand, income elasticity of demand and price elasticity of - Essay Example Section 1: Explanation of important terms 300 Price elasticity of demand Price elasticity of demand shows the relationship between the changes in the quantity demanded of any specific product with the changes in the price of that specific product. The terminology of price elasticity of demand is generally referred to analyze the sensitivity of the prices of the product (Hanushek, & Quigley, 1980). Price elasticity of demand can be calculated using the following formula: If there is a little change in the prices of the good and this small change can cause a large change in the demand of the product, then such a product is said to be elastic. However if there is a significant change in price level of the product but even this significant change in price level cannot cause a small change in the quantity demand of the product then such a product will be said as price inelastic. Cross elasticity of demand In order to analyze the responsiveness of demand of one product when the price is ch anged for another product then it is called as the cross elasticity of demand. ... The following formula is used to calculate the price elasticity of supply Section II: actions that are to be taken to reduce price fluctuations Price is one of the most important factors that influence the purchasing decision of the consumers. It is also the most important factor that influences the production decision of the producers. Therefore changes in price of commodity can influence both the demand and supply of products. Therefore the role of the government is to offer stability in the prices of commodities so that the overall economy can be stable and more stable decisions are taken. There are number of reasons why price level should be stable and one of the most important reasons is that if the prices are more constant and stable then the producers would be able to plan their production accordingly. As producers plan production at a specific level at a constant price, but if the price changes then it can influence supply. For instance, if the price is increased then it will increase the supply of the commodity as shown in the graph below: As the prices have increased, producers want to increase their production so that they can earn more and sell more products at the higher price. However with increase in price, the demand of the products have reduced and thus it is showing that the consumers are not willing to buy the same amount of commodity at the higher prices. Therefore it is showing that the increase in price has increased the supply but it has decreased the demand. Thus a new equilibrium has been formed at Price level P1 and Quantity Q1. Changes in the price level influence the demand and supply of the goods and therefore it is shown that
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Development of Radio Programs from Idea to Transmission Essay
Development of Radio Programs from Idea to Transmission - Essay Example The transmission modifies into high-speed teletype and other faster modes of transmission such as space satellite, missile-guidance telemetry, and facsimile. During standard broadcasts, music or speech modulates the carrier. Achieving this involves several ways, which include superimposing the amplitude, a phenomenon referred to as amplitude modulation (AM). After the amplification and modulation of audio signals, it conveys to the antenna for transmission. AM modulates the signal, about 5Hz when the carrier frequency lies between 535 and 1,605 KHz. The strongest power output for any AM station is 50,000 watts. The varying of frequency involves a modulation process, a phenomenon called frequency modulation (FM). This results in fluctuation of carrier frequency by about 75 KHz. The frequency of the audio signal plays a major role in determining the variation of the carrier frequency. Even in the contemporary society, radio permeates several aspects of human life. Houses, public spaces , phones, and cars have receivers. Several devices feature designs with the ability of receiving radio. Although there has been extensive development in communication technology since the invention of radio, radio is far from being irrelevant. Indeed, radio has managed to survive critical challenges such as development of internet and other communication devices. Because of the development of modern technology, many sound places transfer music to the world. â€Å"†¦the global network of telecommunications whose musical arms have, with unprecedented rapidity, entered and transformed every social and cultural community in the world.2†However, radio stations remain the most popular medium in the modern world. People tune in to radio mainly... This paper approves that although there are numerous modes of communication and transmission of data, radio continues to play a key role in the development of auditory culture. Most communication inventions still incorporate radio receivers. However, radio serves as a secondary tool in most instances. Alternative technologies have emerged to transfer music to every nation and every individual. This has helped in the transferring of sound around the world more conveniently. Radio transmission entails reduction in the space between the broadcaster and the audience. Moreover, time is restructured since radio broadcasting entails use of present tense. Radio programming is able to combine the aspects of origin, cultural purpose, and form. This helps in creation of a continuous rhythm of sound as well as information. This report makes a conclusion that in the initial stages, radio studios showed designs that helped shun unwanted noise. All the radio programs are prepared with an audience in mind. Therefore, different radio stations design their programs differently depending on target culture. Radio listening has also undergone transformation from the initial stages when listening involved headphones to the current sophisticated devices. In the early stages of radio development, stations such as BBC focused on educative and informative programs and greatly ignored the desires of the audience. However, after the Second World War, the stations that emerged were sensitive of the audience and provided dance and band music, as well as other entertaining programs such as comedy shows.
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