Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Internal Operating Environment for Comic Relief Essays
Internal Operating Environment for Comic Relief Essays Internal Operating Environment for Comic Relief Essay Internal Operating Environment for Comic Relief Essay Internal Operating Environment for Comic Relief 1.0Internal Operating Environment 1.1Comic Relief Aims 1.2Comic Relief Resources 1.3Comic Relief Culture 1.4Role of Marketing in Comic Relief 1.5Evaluation of Marcomms 2.0Recommendations Bibliography 1.1 Amusing Relief Aims Comic Relief s chief aim is raising money from the general populace by actively affecting them in events and undertakings that are advanced and merriment. It besides attempts to inform, educate and advance societal alteration ( Amusing Relief, 2005 ) . 1.2 Amusing Relief Resources The selling resources of Comic Relief are limited, particularly when considered in comparing to a commercial house. Comic Relief’s fundraising costs are covered by sponsorship in hard currency or in sort so that every penny raised goes to charity. Therefore Amusing Relief has had to be imaginative in its selling activities. 1.3 Amusing Relief Culture The civilization of Comic Relief matches its trade name image ; cheerful, caring and confident ( Adkins, 1999, p174 ) . Selling is cardinal to what Comic Relief do. 1.4 Role of Marketing in Comic Relief Whereas commercial administrations may hold a figure of marketing aims, such as increasing market standing or bettering profitableness ( Brassington A ; Pettitt, 2000, p900 ) , a charity like Comic Relief has merely one mark, to raise every bit much money as possible for its causes. Therefore Amusing Relief can mensurate how good its selling has done by analyzing how much money is raised. Amusing Relief is alone in that the Government, corporate givers and single providers fund its selling activities. One hundred per centum of personal contributions go to worthy causes ( Amusing Relief, 2005 ) . The more money Comic Relief rise, the more the money spent on selling can be said to work. The method and timing of the contribution lead to rating of the selling activity that initiated the contribution. 1.5 Evaluation of Marcomms McCarthy ( 1964, cited in Mohammed A ; Pervaiz, 1995 ) offered the four Ps ( merchandise, monetary value, topographic point and publicity ) as the combination of factors that satisfies the mark consumer. This attack is now used to measure Comic Relief’s current selling marcomms. When sing the merchandise or service Amusing Relief provides there are two facets that need to be looked at. First of all Comic Relief provide the service of raising money for worthwhile causes. As portion of this, Amusing Relief provides a figure of merchandises. These include ring tones, the Dubble cocoa saloon ( made from reasonably traded chocolate beans ) , a Nationwide recognition card and books written by J.K. Rowling ( Comic Relief, 2005 ) . These merchandises offered by Comic Relief will now be analysed. Measuring these merchandises, it can be seen that Comic Relief supply a assortment of different types of merchandises. However, they all have a similar manner of packaging ( where appropriate ) ; viz. simple, bright and loud. The books have Harry Potter themed packaging. See figure 1.0 for exposures of these merchandises. figure 1.0 The pricing of these merchandises is set by the spouses involved. For illustration, Nationwide set the APR available on the Red Nose recognition card it launched with Comic Relief. The merchandises that Comic Relief has greater control over in footings of pricing policy, such as the jerseies and ring tones are priced merely somewhat higher than comparable merchandises. The ring tones cost ?3 ; comparable ring tones cost ?2. Amusing Relief utilises legion selling channels. Retailers such as TK Maxx ( t shirts ) and Sainsbury’s ( ruddy olfactory organs ) sell Amusing Relief ware. Amusing Relief besides has a strong online presence. The Red Nose Day website increased its market portion in the hebdomads taking up to 2005’s Red Nose Day. Of all Internet traffic directed at the online community sector, the Red Nose web site was responsible for 11.4 % on Red Nose Day itself ( Hitwise, 2005 ) . Most of Comic Relief’s selling activity is concerned with publicity. Since RedNose Day’s construct, more than 2050 famous persons have been involved ( Amusing Relief, 2005 ) , the most noteworthy being Lenny Henry, Billy Connolly, and John Cleese. Using the VisCAP theoretical account of presenter features ( Brassington A ; Pettitt, 2000, p581 ) , it can be seen that these people are extremely suited for the publicity of Comic Relief. They are all extremely seeable, i.e. really good known and are extremely sympathetic and hence attractive to consumers of Comic Relief. Now the traditional four P’s have been used to analyze Comic Relief, there are three more Ps that can be utilised. These are people, procedure and physical grounds. The attitude and behavior of voluntaries in Comic Relief has been praised ( BBC News, 2005 ) . The procedure of how the service is delivered by Comic Relief is notable because Comic Relief utilises other companies to present its services. For illustration, BT sets up and manages the telephone web needed on Red Nose Day ( Comic Relief, 2005 ) . The 7th P that is used to measure Comic Relief’s marcomms is physical grounds of quality. In Comic Relief’s instance this involves the information given to the populace about how the money raised is being used. Amusing Relief’s chief strength is the ability to show that the financess raised are used expeditiously. It does this largely via mini-documentaries as portion of the Red Nose Day televised shows. The doctrine of Comic Relief is to utilize comedy and laughter to acquire serious messages across. This is alone amongst its rivals. Overall, it can be said that a big portion of Comic Relief ‘s success is down to its success at selling. It has limited selling resources, yet has an surprisingly strong trade name presence and extended trade name consciousness. The writer would wish to set forward that Comic Relief is an first-class marketeer and has utilised its limited selling resources highly good to derive and keep a strong trade name presence over a figure of old ages. With such a successful company, it is hard to place to place countries for betterment or new selling activities to be tried. However, the writer will do several suggestions for betterments to Comic Relief’s selling marcomms. It has been identified that Comic Relief is presently non deriving any selling information at all. It does non enter which selling activities have prompted peculiar contributions. A little and simple alteration could earn much more elaborate selling information so that non merely the effectivity of the whole run, but the effectivity of the single elements of it could be analysed. Amusing alleviation offers a strong online presence, it should farther increase this, by seeking to make an on-line community that has utile information all twelvemonth about, non merely on Red Nose Day. This will guarantee that the trade name of Comic Relief is in consumers’ heads twelvemonth unit of ammunition. It could possibly supply journals of voluntaries, methods of acquiring involved at place and polls on topical issues. All of these characteristics would alter on a regular basis and hence encourage repetition screenings. Amusing Relief presently offers nomadic phone ring tones, which is an first-class usage of current technological tendencies. They should take advantage of another emerging tendency and utilize viral selling to publicize Comic Relief. Viral selling is the utilizations of electronic media to excite and promote word-of-mouth or electronic message airing between persons ( Morden, 1993, p 101 ) . This method of marketing would suit good with Comic Relief’s confident and brash trade name image. The Dubble cocoa saloon demands to be available in more stockists for it to be a feasible merchandise. It is presently available in a limited figure of shops. It does non hold much incursion into the confectionary market. Amusing Relief demands to incorporate their marcomms offering more. The American Association of Advertising Agencies defines IMC as ‘a construct of marketing communications be aftering that recognizes the added value of a comprehensive program that evaluates the strategic function of a assortment of communicating subjects, e.g. , general advertisement, direct response, gross revenues publicity and public dealingss and combines these subjects to supply lucidity, consistence and maximal communications impact’ ( Keller, 2000, p267 ) . Even looking at the packaging of the assorted Comic Relief merchandises, it can be seen that there is a large difference in the expressions of the assorted merchandises offered. This needs to be addressed. The concluding recommendation offered by the writer is that of increasing the figure of publicities with other trade names, such as the Persil Go Red Campaign. This run was a success for both parties involved, and likewise good thought out runs could besides hold the same consequence. Care has to be taken to guarantee that the companies that are chosen to take portion are appropriate. By this it is meant that their trade name values match those of Amusing Relief. Persil provided a ‘synergistic trade name tantrum with Comic Relief’s emotional values and trade name properties ( Adkins, 1999, p172 ) . Adkins, S. ( 1999 ) .Cause Related Marketing, Who Cares Wins. Oxford: Reed Educational. Brassington, F. and Pettitt, S. ( 2000 ) .Principles of Marketing( 2neodymiumed. ) London: Pearson Education. All About UsAmusing Relief.hypertext transfer protocol: //www.comicrelief.com/ ( 29ThursdayApr. 2005 ) . Dibb, Set Al. ( 2001 ) .Marketing Concepts and Schemes( 4Thursdayed. ) Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Jobber, D. ( 2001 ) .Principles A ; Practice of Marketing. ( 3rded. ) London: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. Keller, K. ( 2000 ) . ‘Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring, and Managing Brand Equity’ ,Journal of Consumer Marketing, 17, ( 3 ) , p263-72. Kotler, Pet Al. ( 2001 ) .Principles of Marketing( 3rderectile dysfunction ) . London: Pearson Education. Morden, A. ( 1993 ) .Elementss of Marketing. ( 3rded. ) London: DP Publication Ltd. ‘Online Communities’ ,Hitwise Competitive Intelligence. hypertext transfer protocol: //www.hitwise.co.uk/info/ ( 24 Apr. 2005 ) . ‘Red Nose Day: Your comments’BBC Newshypertext transfer protocol: //news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/talking_point/4336791.stm ( 30th Apr 2005 ) .
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